English summary

Welcome to the website of Loviisa Camera Club

Loviisa Camera Club

Loviisa Camera Club is a registered association and a member of the Association of Finnish Camera Clubs and thereby also of the International Federation of Photographic Art, FIAP.

Loviisa Camera Club was founded in 1972 and its domicile is in Loviisa in southern Finland. The club is active in the area of Loviisa, Pyhtää and Lapinjärvi. A majority of the members live in that area but there are also members from other places. Including the ordinary members, there have been altogether 70-80 people involved in the activities from other associations, such as video photographers, nature photographers etc.

The club has monthly gatherings which are open to anyone. Taking part does not require membership of the club. Usually the gatherings are arranged on the last Thursday of each month at 18.

The activities take place at the club’s premises in the old dairy of Loviisa (address Chiewitzinkatu) where the members have access to e.g. a meeting room and a studio.

The members gather every thursday at 18. These evenings are informal meetings which may include training, judging pictures from other clubs, taking part in competitions, discussion, experimenting various styles of photography etc.

The club offers its members various benefits: equipment lending, courses according to wishes, lectures related to photography, excursions. Loviisa camera club is also active in keeping contact and working in co-operation with other camera clubs in Finland and also abroad. The members of Loviisa camera club have succeeded in both national and international competitions.


Loisto magazine is an annual publication by Loviisa camera club, the circulation being 3 000. It is issued annually just before the holiday season begins. The magazine is printed in a high-quality printing house on a high-quality paper.

Loisto has kept the advertising rates as low as possible to make it affordable for the local small companies to put advertisements in the magazine. The copies of the magazine are not for sale – they are given out at the prize of 0 euro.

Loisto does not pay for the published articles or pictures. There is no paid staff to make the magazine but it is a result of hard and unselfish work by photography and publication enthusiasts. This enthusiasm has already lasted for over 30 years! You are welcome to take part in our activities. The editorial staff is waiting for new members, articles and pictures.

If you spot a copy of the magazine or even have a chance to read it – please tell us where and when it was.

Contact: arolaheikki@gmail.com, ari.haimi@sulo.fi or loviisan.kameraseura@gmail.com